4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
Training and Support for
Pastors and Missionaries
Out of the 110 million people in the Philippines, only 3.9% are evangelicals.
Our Ministry at a Glance
Why Training and Support for Pastors and Missionaries?
Though the Philippines is popularly known as the only Christian country in Asia, its Christianity is a mix of syncretism of local animism beliefs adapted into Christological and Catholic ecclesiological theology. This is a far cry from the biblical view of who Christ is, and what defines a follower of Christ. This has far-ranging implications for the communities being ministered. Many have held fast to traditional, cultural beliefs of Christianity, which the Bible denounces and warns against. The need for the Gospel to be preached among communities is paramount, as their beliefs will have both temporal and eternal consequences.
Our Work
Our work cannot be done apart from Christ and His body, the church. Thus our partnership with local churches in ministering to the community is paramount. Hence, our goal is to foster growth among our partner pastors and missionaries both in the theology and practice of Christ-centered community ministry.
A few times a year, we conduct trainings for pastors on various concerns and issues most pastors face. Some trainings focus on handling mental health and depression among the members of the church and communities. Other trainings focus on livelihood programs that pastors can delve in or introduce to members of the church who are poor but have potential to begin their own livelihood projects.
Our desire is to support church planting and evangelism efforts among marginalized communities, as we believe the church is God’s agent for transformation in communities. Their spiritual health is as important, as it affects all areas of their lives. We support missionaries through financial subsidies, praying that the little that we are able to give will go a long way in opening doors for the Gospel to be proclaimed, and for the community people to be ministered.