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Abegail’s Story: Young Entrepreneur Start-up Program

Hello! I am Abegail J. Regatis, 18 years old and from Quezon City. Member of the church Christ In You Holy Spirit. The last year 2021, I was invited to orientation via google meet by teacher Ammie, wife of our pastor Jun in the Young Entrepreneur Start-up Program or YES Program. At first, I didn’t know why I was invited, but when the orientation started, I became more curious because I am an ABM student and the KMI program wants to help young people like me who are willing to learn and have a small business.

During the lockdown year 2020, I became eager to learn how to crochet, and it has continued until now. The crochet business is the one I chose because I can already do different things here, and I can also show my works in my presentation.

The Young Entrepreneur Start-up Program has given me a lot of benefits for managing a business, it teaches me to be more innovative and creative. I also challenged myself to be more confident and to be a risk-taker because it is hard for a teenager like me to fail while managing a business but the YES Program teaches me to be a risk-taker as early as now to give me more opportunities to experience success, failure, hardship, and happiness in doing business without pressure on its future outcome.

That’s why I am grateful that the Lord allowed the Kapatid Ministry to conduct a program like this. I also want to thank all the people that the Lord used for this program because I learned a lot from them. They have been such a great blessing to me. Although I was a bit hesitant to join at first, God has a plan for everything. It turned out pretty well. I learned a lot and I became grateful to be part of the YES Program.

Editor’s Note: The testimony has been posted as it was delivered, with minimal editing. This is to preserve the voice and intent of the author of the testimony.

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