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Alaica’s Story: Young Entrepreneur Start-up Program

Hi I am Alaica, I live in Santiago, Sta. Ana Pampanga. I attend Kingdom Righteousness Ministry. I became part of the Young Entrepreneur Start-up Program with the help of our pastor, Pastor Rey Angeles, our spiritual father here in Sta. Ana.

In my experience in attending the training, I am very blessed because I am one of the young people in our church who had the opportunity to attend the training, and it is free. In attending the training sessions, my knowledge increases when it comes to making a business plan. The second time that I attended, I learned business ideas that I could do at my age, I found out that our skills are a big help to build a business. I also found out that if I plan a business, I need to have targets or goals that I want to achieve for this to be my pattern. It is not impossible that only our dreams now will be achieved one day. We will face failures, but let us learn from those failures that will motivate us not to stop dreaming, that we must strive to reach our dream.

I am thankful to the Lord that I became part of the YES Program and be with my fellow Christians. Many thanks also to the Lord for the help of trainers who expand my knowledge of businesses. I also learned from the experience of our speakers that they shared with us, that God must always be the center of our plans even in building a business because it says in Proverbs 16: 3 “Commit to the Lord you do and plans will succeed “. I am a shy person, but I believe that God put me here because he has a better plan for me. I hope this program will be a way to boost my confidence and to share the word of God with others. I am thankful, I am blessed that I became part of the YES Program.

I am thankful, I am blessed that I became part of the YES Program.

– Alaica
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