4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Annual Report 2019

For our 2019 Annual Report, we dive into showing who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do. We start with our mission, vision, and core values and introduce the team that are part of the ministry. After that, we show what our ministry focuses are, namely, the Overseas Filipino Worker and his/her family, the underprivileged children, and the senior citizens. We also highlight what has happened in 2019 in these various focuses, particularly focusing on the work being done among them and the impact that is a result of the work.

Finally, we encourage you to be part of the ministry, showing you different ways of how we can partner together.

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