4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Child Sponsorship Family Day 2018

Our Purpose

Last March 31, 2018, our scholars and their parents gathered together for a day of fun at Britanny, Fairview, Quezon City. 139 kids, 104 moms, and 81 dads participated in the event. Our first goal is to bring the family together for a 1-day fun, where they can enjoy spending time and having fun together. Our other goal is to allow the dads, most
of whom are unchurched, an opportunity to hear the Gospel.


Sharing the Gospel

Pastor Ronald Longos, the pastor of the Filipino Congregation of Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church, visited us and shared the gospel to the parents during the Family Day.


Basic Basketball Drills

Bro. Peter Aguilar (former Filipino professional basketball player) shared his life testimony about how Christ saved him and changed him. He then conducted basic basketball drills for 10 sponsored kids, encouraging them to fight for their dreams by studying hard.


Swimming Time

The dads who came got the opportunity to spend time with their kids in the pool! This was a welcome activity to cool off in the summer heat.


Mini Games

The families also had plenty of fun participating in mini-games where they got to win prizes. There were darts, bowling, and other fun games. They also had an opportunity to snap a family photo in the photo booth!

Grocery Gifts

We capped of the event by giving grocery gifts to each family. Each grocery gift comprised of 3kgs of rice, canned goods, coffee, malt chocolate, and cupcakes placed inside a bucket. The dads also received a personalized cap.

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