4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

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Edward’s Story: Sharing the kindness of the Lord

Hi! I’m Edward, 17 years old from Dampol 1st Pulilan, Bulacan. I am in Grade 11, a Principal’s Lister student in Emmanuel System Colleges of Bulacan. I am the five among eight siblings. My father is a farmer, and my mother is a housewife.

During this pandemic, we experienced much problems in our home. My mother was in pain with vertigo and high blood, and as her child, it was painful for me to see her struggling for two months when I saw her lying on the mat and there was nothing I could do to help her. Yet, even when my mother was sick, I still thanked the Lord because He was so good to my family. I continued to experience the grace of the Lord in everyday life as He sustains our daily needs.

I share the kindness of the Lord by sharing words of encouragement with my friends who are also experiencing problems. I tell them that the Lord will not give us a problem that we cannot overcome because the Lord is faithful, the Lord is bigger and more powerful than our problems. The only thing to do is to trust in Him, and He will never let you down.

The Lord is faithful, the Lord is bigger and more powerful than our problems.

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