4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
I am Giziel, 17 years old, from San Fernando, Pampanga. I will be in Grade 11 this year 2021 at Our Lady of Fatima University (OLFU). There are 7 of us siblings, and I am the third youngest. My father’s work is in making furniture and my mother’s job is in the laundry shop.
During this pandemic, my family situation was not easy. Since the pandemic started, my family struggle. My mother lost her job because of the pandemic, we got sick, my family got into trouble, and personal problem but I did not give up, I endured all that. I always focused on my school work because I have so much to do that I didn’t finish on time. When there is a service in the church, prayer gathering, kid’s ministry, I don’t forget to attend. At night I do my prayer and devotion.
I had a hard time last November. I had school work to do and I’m running out of time because of my dengue. After 7 days I finally got home, we didn’t know where we could find, hospital expenses, medications, and vitamins. We have to pay more than 33,000 at the hospital. But the Lord provides in a great way. We don’t need to pay a single bill and I feel so grateful for that.
When the Lord allowed trials in my life I wanted to give up, but the Lord proves to me that nothing is impossible for Him that He is in control of everything. Lord taught me that I am not alone. I realize that I need His help to overcome all of it. I learned to be humble and trust him more, that the Lord is in control of everything and all we need to do is patiently waiting for Him.
When the Lord allowed trials in my life I wanted to give up, but the Lord proves to me that nothing is impossible for Him, that He is in control of everything.