Thank you Lord for enabling us to minister to your people for the past months. See how you can pray alongside us.
Ptr. Rod conducting a Bible study among senior citizens.Bro. Michael praying for seniors during his visitation.A newly opened feeding area in SubicBro. Peter sharing his testimony to the youth in the Bible Basketball program.A newly opened feeding area in Bicol
We praise God for the recent Bible Basketball Championship held last 5 August where we invited a Christian former PBA (Philippine Basketball Association) player to give his life testimony to the youths. We thank God as the youth were able to hear the Gospel once again through this event.
Bro. Michael Diong of Christian Life Center from Setiawan, Malaysia visited us here in Philippines to see/observe the KMI programs among the underprivileged children, youth and Senior Citizens in our midst. We thank God for showing us how the program has continually impacted the children. We are grateful to God and have been blessed for his 4-day visit (12-15 August).
We praise God for 6 children who graduated this year, children under the Child Sponsorship Program. We also thank God for expanding the work as an additional 25 new students will be joining the Program starting SY2023-2024. To date, KMI has 179 sponsored children.
For Feeding Program, we have recently partnered with 3 new feeding outreaches (Olongapo, Pampanga and Bicol). We thank God as the feeding program has allowed the Gospel to be shared to the children and their parents.
We thank God as Bible Studies among our Senior Citizens are held regularly by our partner Churches in various areas, fruits of our Bless-a-Senior Citizen program.
Prayer Concerns
We value your prayers and we are grateful to God for having you as KMI’s Prayer Partners. Here are our prayer concerns:
Pray that the Word of God shared among the youths that joined the Bible Basketball Fellowship may bear fruits in their lives.
Pray that the Lord will bless Bro. Michael Diong as he makes his report to his Church as to his observation on what God is doing in the ministries He has entrusted to KMI.
Pray that the 6 newly Graduates from Child Sponsorship Program be able to find jobs that will help their families cope with the increasing standard of living here in Philippines.
Continue to pray for growth of wisdom and godly character for the 179 sponsored children as they enter a new school year at the end of August.
Pray for strength and joy for our partner Pastors as they continually share God’s Word to children (feeding and child sponsorship programs), youth, parents and Senior Citizens.
Please pray for the planning and preparation for the upcoming visit of a 4-member Mission Team from a Filipino Church in Canada.
Pray for provisions for the 20th Anniversary Celebration of KMI, as we hope to bless our partner pastors and workers for their faithful labour in the Lord’s work in the Philippines.
Thank you for praying with us! God bless you always!