4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Prayer Focus for August 2024

It's August! Blessings and trials has abounded in the past month. Yet, we praise God for His provision and strength through all of it. Here are our highlights and prayer requests. Thank you for always praying with us.


1. Continuously praising God for Brethren who chose to bless the children in our outreaches during their birthdays. From July until December, there will be 28 more outreaches (averaging from 30 to 50 children per outreach) that will be blessed by this program. Indeed we praise God for the privileged of reaching out to the poor children and share with them the love of Jesus thru our birthday celebrants.

2. Thank you to the untiring and steadfast support of Sponsors to the education of our children in need. We have a total of 54 graduates this SY2023-2024, as follows:

  • 15 students – Elementary
  • 19 students – Junior High
  • 16 students – Senior High
  • 4 students – College

3. Thank you for the continuous Bible Study Groups catering to less fortunate Senior Citizens. Thank you for those who surrendered their lives and follow the ordinance of Baptism.

4. Thanking God for God’s guidance and wisdom as our beneficiaries of Livelihood Program work hard to stabilize their chosen livelihood business.

6. All glory belongs to God! Praising God for the 15 Brethren from First Baptist Church (FBC), Subang Jaya who visited us from 10 to 15 July and work alongside with our partner Churches in ministering to the following:

  • 300 Children
  • 60 Young People including some of the sponsored children
  • 80 Senior Citizens
  • 35 Youth Leaders and Volunteer Workers

7. Thanking God from whom all blessings flow. We are indeed grateful to God for using brethren in providing Kapatid Ministry, inc. (KMI) the means to help those affected by the recent typhoon that hit Metro Manila and nearby provinces.

Prayer Concerns:

1. Pray to God that the Birthday Feeding pledges will bring more children to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Pray that these children be used by God to bring their siblings and parents closer to God.

2. Praying for God’s provision and protection to sponsored children who started their classes early this month.

3. Praying that more Senior Citizens will be ministered to thru the Bless a Senior Citizen Program of KMI. It is also our prayer that the children & grandchildren of the Senior Citizen will also hear the Gospel and decide to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

4. Pray for those who were ministered to during the FBC Mission Exposure that they will grow in knowledge and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

5. Pray for the Pantai Baptist Church (PBC) Mission Team as they also plan to visit KMI outreaches before the year ends.

6. Praying fervently to spare Philippines of strong typhoons in the coming weeks and months.


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