4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
We are at the halfway point of 2024! God has been so good, and your prayers are the reason we experience it. Here is how you can continue to pray with us for the month of June.
1. Praise God for Brethren who chose to bless the 412 children in our 10 outreaches during their birthdays. It is indeed a blessed sight to see children being ministered to in becoming followers of Christ thru this feeding program.
2. Thank you that SY2023-2024 has come to an end and sponsored children have time to spend quality time with their family and Church.
3. All praises to God for allowing some Sponsored Kids in joining the Youth Camp (19 – 22 June) sponsored by our partner Churches under the umbrella of Christ In You Christian Baptist Church.
4. Thank you for Bible Study Groups which were opened thru Bless a Senior Citizen Project. Thank you for those who surrendered their lives and followed the ordinance of Baptism.
5. All glory belongs to God! Praising God for the 15 Brethren who signed up for the FBC Mission Team in going to Phillipines and visit the works being done among God’s people in partnership with Kapatid Ministry, Inc.
1. Pray for more Brethren in sponsoring KMI’s birthday feeding program.
2. Praying that the sponsored kids may complete & submit their updated info and Thank You cards by 23 June.
3. Safekeeping of the young people (about 140 young people) who will be joining this month’s youth camp. That this camp may enlightened them and bring them closer to God.
4. Praying that more Senior Citizens will be ministered to thru the Bless a Senior Citizen Program of KMI. It is also our prayer that the children & grandchildren of the Senior Citizens will also hear the Gospel and decide to accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour.
5. Praying for God’s wisdom as the FBC Mission Team and KMI team prepare for the 10-15 July Mission Exposure. Pray also for safekeeping of both Teams and the Churches that we will be visiting.
6. Pray for the PBC Mission Team as they also plan to visit KMI outreaches before the year ends.
To God be the glory, for the things He has done and will still be doing!