It’s almost the end of 2024. Thank you for partnering with us in the Gospel from the first day until now. Here are a few highlights as well as prayer requests for the ministry. Once again, thank you for praying.
Thanksgiving and Prayer Requests
- Praise God for his protection on us and our partners in the ministry despite the past typhoons that hit the Philippines. Though some of our ministry areas were hit, all our partners are safe by God’s grace. Pray for our partner in Catanduanes as they and the church members recover from the last Typhoon “Pepito” which damaged their homes.
- We thank God for the launch of the Christmas project of Kapatid Ministry called “The Greatest Gift.” We aim to share the Gospel to 300 kids and 300 grandparents by this December. Pray for God’s provision for the project as we are raising PHP 700 per child and senior citizen.
- We thank God for the opportunity for brethren from Pantai Baptist Church, Malaysia to visit us on a short mission trip on Dec. 4-10. Pray for God’s protection for the team as they travel to Philippines, and for the ministry areas that they will visit, that the Gospel will be made clear and lives be changed.
- We thank God for the 3 livelihood programs launched this year. Pray that the recipients will continue to grow in wisdom in managing their livelihoods, and experience fruitfulness in their work.
- Pray for two sponsored children this year, Angelo and Mica. Their parents passed away this year, Angelo’s mother last September and Mica’s father last October due to illness. Pray for comfort and strength for them as they continue to walk in the Lord despite the loss of their parents.
- Please pray for our team, some of our team members have been falling ill lately due to the change in weather. Titus Jr (ear infection due to colds), Beth (hypertension), and Sis. Amy (hypertension).
- Pray for God’s ongoing provision for Kapatid Ministry, inc.’s operational expenses.
Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker,
but he who is generous to the needy honors him.
Proverbs 14:31
Thank you for praying with us. God bless you.