4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Prayer Focus: June 2023

Thanksgiving and Prayer Concerns

  1. We thank God for our new partner in the feeding ministry in Bicol, Pastor Paolo Miguel. They are aiming to minister to 40 to 60 children together with their parents as they make plans in planting a church in their community.
  2. Praise God for the on-going Bible Basketball Tournament (14 May to 29 July) involving 76 youths in Lubao, Pampanga. Please pray for strength and safety for those involved in the Bible Basketball Tournament. Pray that the 76 youths participating in the tournament and their parents may hear God’s Word and commit their lives to Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.
  3. Thank God for the families of OFWs who were visited and referred to local Churches for their spiritual growth. Spiritual growth of families endorsed to local Churches. Pray that more OFW families may open their hearts and doors for God’s Word.
  4. Praising God for the Testimonies we have received, so far, from our Partners, Supporters and Beneficiaries of Kapatid Ministry, Inc (KMI) which will be featured in our Online Magazine for our 20th year anniversary of God’s grace to KMI. Pray that the testimonies will be a memorial of God’s faithfulness for generations to come.
  5. We thank God for the First Baptist Church (FBC) Members who signed up for the Mission Trip to Philippines from 28 June to 03 July. Please pray for us (FBC, KMI and participating partner Churches’ Teams) as we prepare for the upcoming Mission Trip. Pray for good weather, safety and protection of all involved. Pray that the purpose and goal of this Mission Trip – assisting local churches in their church planting efforts through ministering to children and senior citizens – be accomplished for God’s glory!
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