4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Priya’s Pandemic Story

My Family’s Situation

It has been a year and counting since the pandemic hit. It has been so unexpected. My family encountered financial hardships, making it difficult to buy daily essentials. Yet with the help of God, He uses so many people that helps us in our needs, enabling us to survive until now.

My Personal Situation

During my online classes, I’ve been struggling with slow internet connection because I only use cellular data. Sometimes the signal is poor. I also don’t have a personal computer or laptop, which means I only use the phone for my online classes. Sometimes I find it difficult to follow the lesson because of this. Yet, by God’s grace, I am still holding on His promises, and I keep on reaching my dreams by seeking His guidance. Spiritually, I am so grateful that tour local church continues to provide programs and fellowship through online, feeding our mind with God’s Word. Physically, I am exhausted with a lot of school works, but God is my rest and I do believe that He hears my cry. Mentally, because of the financial hardships and struggles at school, at times I struggle with anxiety and stress, but I manage the have time for myself every time I overthink.

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