4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Overseas Filipino Workers and their Families

Our goal for families of Overseas Filipino Workers: (1) To bring the Gospel to the family of the OFW. (2) To connect the OFW family to a local church.

Family Visitation

Together with community partner churches, we visit Overseas Filipino Workers’ (OFW) family and seek to provide care, counseling, and direction. We meet them on a regular basis to help build unity and love among family members and towards their OFWs.

Connect to A Local Church

Ultimately, we aim to encourage the family to join a Bible-believing, Gospel-preaching local church that will be their spiritual family. Our hope is that should the OFW return home to his or her family for good, they will grow together in the faith under the care of a faithful local church.

Support this Program1

How to Support our OFW Family Ministry?

There are two ways you can support the ministry.

  1. Refer and OFW family for visitation. If you are an OFW and you would like to partner in ministering to your family, contact us.
  2. Give for the ministry. This ministry requires collaboration and resources. Consider praying to support our efforts of getting the Gospel to families of OFW families through visitation and Bible studies.

To support, here are the following steps:

  1. Contact us about your interest in supporting the OFW family ministry. DO NOT donate until you have done this. We will discuss to you first about the program – its goals, processes, and commitment.
  2. Once you have discussed with us, click the amount above that you would want to give. Then click donate and follow the steps until your payment has been successfully processed. If you want to donate but do not see the amount in the options given, kindly contact us.

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.