4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Child Sponsorship

Our child sponsorship program connects individual and group sponsors to dedicated children seeking a better life through education – from kinder to college.

Subsidies for School Expenses

The program aims to work with the child’s parents by helping lessen the burden of school expenses. Our children are sponsored annually to help them pay for their uniforms, books, stationeries, and school projects. For college students, subsidies are allotted for their tuition fees.

Spiritual Formation

The program also emphasizes regular church activity participation where the Bible is taught. We believe that the key to freedom from poverty will be a transformation of the mind and the heart. The Word of God has done that for societies in the past, and we believe it will do so for the children in the program.

Support this Program1

How to Sponsor a Child Today?

Sponsoring a child with Kapatid Ministry, Inc. is a beautiful way to share God’s love! Your support helps provide education, healthcare, and hope to children in need. Together, we can change lives and shine the light of Christ in their world. Join us in making a difference!

To sponsor, here are the following steps:

  1. Contact us about your interest in sponsoring a child. DO NOT donate until you have done this. We will discuss to you first about the child sponsorship program – its goals, processes, and commitment.
  2. Once you have discussed with us, click the amount above that you would want to give on a regular basis (monthly, quarterly, bi-annually, or annually). Then click donate and follow the steps until your payment has been successfully processed. Here are the equivalence of the amount and its regularity:
  • PHP 667 – Monthly
  • PHP2000 – Quarterly
  • PHP 4000 – Bi-Annual
  • PHP 8000 – Annually

Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us.