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The Lord is my Gentle Shepherd

“He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young.              

Isaiah 40:11

Our Lord Jesus Christ is our Gentle Shepherd. Yet how does His gentleness manifest to His sheep? First, He is the source of our sustenance. He will feed His flock like a shepherd, but how does a shepherd feed His flock? He brings them to lie down in green pastures, He leads them beside still waters. He, as our shepherd, is responsible for what we eat, what we drink, and what we wear. As such He has the right to say to us”do not worry.” Yet, He not only nourishes our body, He also nourishes our soul. The Great Shepherd, after asking Peter if he loved Him, instructed His under-shepherd to feed His sheep. His Word, by which man lives not by bread but by it, sustains our being from the morning till night. Also, notice the Word says He will; oh, what certainty! What assurance! It does not say He might, or He will try, but rather, He will!

Second, He is our source of belonging. He will gather the lambs, lambs which have gone astray, each to His own way. The lamb that left the ninety-nine and had gone lost and astray in the deep, darkest, valley of the shadow of death, He will look for him in faithfulness. And when he is found, our Gentle Shepherd will gather his lost lamb in His arm and carry him safely into His Father’s house, a place where He gives belonging to those who are lost. Oh what assurance! What delight! What grace did I deserve, that the Gentle Shepherd should look for me, a mere lamb who have gone astray. Why give me belonging when I don’t belong? Oh, spotless Lamb of God, the Shepherd of the Sheep, Your gentle arms that carry me away from darkness into light, You are worthy of praise!

What grace did I deserve, that the Gentle Shepherd should look for me, a mere lamb who have gone astray.

Third, He is our source of presence. He carries His sheep not in a wheelbarrow behind Him, nor in a cart before Him. No, He carries His sheep by His side, His bosom. Oh His presence with His sheep is not a distant one with Him behind nor simply in front. His presence is with His sheep. Such He affirms when He commands us to go and make disciples, He assures us He is with us. Such He affirms when He commands us not to covet for things of this world that hinder us from trusting Him, for He never leaves nor forsakes His sheep. Oh, what a Gentle Shepherd we have.

Finally, He is our source of direction. He gently leads! A bruised reed He will not break, nor one who is in labor and in heavy laden does He break and condemn. He leads with gentleness, gentleness that is rooted in His majestic love and compassion for His sheep, especially for His sheep that has yet no shepherd. Yet His direction for us is not only for our own benefit. Notice the Word says, He gently leads those who are with young. Oh, do we have familial ties to individuals which we are burdened as they seem to be lost forever! Do not despair, come to the Great Shepherd who is mighty to save! He is able to save His sheep, as well as the young of His sheep. Uplift your child, your loved-one to the LORD our salvation, and see how our Gentle Shepherd – the One who gives us life, the One who finds us who are lost, the One who affirms us by His presence – lead gently both us and those whom we uplift unto Him, into life, and that of abundant life.

He leads with gentleness, gentleness that is rooted in His majestic love and compassion for His sheep, especially for His sheep that has yet no shepherd.

Lord Jesus, the Shepherd of my soul, lead me in paths of righteousness for Your name’s sake.

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