4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
Last October 11 to 17, 2024, a few members of our team in Kapatid Ministry had the opportunity to meet our partners in the ministry in Malaysia. Here is what happened.
Last October 11 to 17, 2024, a few members of our team in Kapatid Ministry had the opportunity to meet our partners in the ministry in Malaysia. I had the opportunity to share about Kapatid Ministry at Kuala Lumpur Baptist Church. Also, two of our staff, Rhodora and Hazel, were able to share there testimonies in First Baptist Church and Pantai Baptist Church. Both of them were formerly sponsored children in our program, having graduated a few years back and are now working with us. Rhodora was sponsored by members in First Baptist Church while Hazel was sponsored by a member in Pantai Baptist Church. Below are video recordings of their testimony extrapolated from the livestream of each respective churches:
Rhodora gave a short testimony on how God has blessed her through her parents, church, and the sponsorship program. Being sponsored by Sis. Katherine Lim (Sis. Doreen Chan’s sister who passed away a few years back), and later on, Bro. Brandon Lim (not related to Katherine Lim), she shares how she is so grateful even if she had not met her sponsor yet. After sharing her testimony, friends in First Baptist Church introduced her to one of her sponsor, Brandon Lim! Rhodora tells how meaningful this is to her to meet her sponsor in-person after all these years.
Hazel also shared how God sustained and blessed her in her life through her parents, church, and her sponsor, Bro. Ong Hwee Soo. It was the first time Hazel met her sponsor, and she was truly grateful for the opportunity to be able to meet him (and hear him preach, as he was the speaker on the day of her testimony). Hazel’s testimony was also well-received, serving as an encouragement to the members of Pantai Baptist Church who have sponsored children’s education through Kapatid Ministry’s program.
We also had the opportunity to meet-up, catch-up with friends and partners in the ministry. Their fellowship gave encouragement to us to continue in the work we are doing in the Philippines. It’s an amazing thing to see how brothers and sisters in different nations can still work together side-by-side for the common goal of proclaiming the Gospel and making disciples.
We thank God for our partners and friends who have supported us, invited us to share, and enabled two of our staff, Rhodora and Hazel, to travel to KL to experience the culture, and most importantly, the Christian community that welcomed them so warmly.
To God be the Glory.