4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
We partner with Christian Churches, Organization and Individuals to encourage, equip and enhance their growth by Church Planting and Community Transformation through programs in:
Through our initiatives, we aim to bring the love of Christ into action, equipping these communities with the tools and opportunities for growth.
Faith in Christ. Faithful in Christ, Fruitful through Christ.
We believe what Jesus says about God, about us, and what we need. We believe in one God in three persons, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit – creator and maker of all, including man, who was created in His image. We believe man’s disobedience and rebellion against God has caused man’s suffering and plight. We also believe that Jesus Christ was sent to die on the cross to pay the price of our disobedience. We believe He rose again on the third day, and have ascended, to reign until His enemies, including death, are put under His feet.
We thus believe our calling is to have faith in Christ, faithfulness in Christ, and fruitfulness through Christ. We are called to proclaim this Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone, that they may have faith in Him. We are called to do so faithfully, and that means to live our lives in service of God’s glory and the well-being of our neighbor. That means faithfulness in education, in livelihood, in caring for the poor, in entrepreneurship, and in soul winning. We believe that is what brings fruitfulness is faithfulness fueled by faith. The kind of fruit we are hoping for is one that entails God’s blessings – a Filipino family rooted in God, loving each other, and thriving with wisdom and skills to bring God’s wealth to the nation.
Transforming Communities One Family at a Time.
By feeding the children weekly, we hope to plant and nurture the seeds of the life-changing Gospel in their hearts. By sponsoring children in their education, we hope to raise up wise and godly men and women who will be a blessing by their character and leadership. By reaching out to the senior citizens, we hope to exemplify the Gospel message – that it is for all, young and old, Jew and Gentile, rich or poor. By reaching families of OFWs, we believe that the Lord Jesus would want to save the OFW and his or her household.
By living out the Gospel, Kapatid Ministry seeks to make a real impact, transforming lives and building stronger, more resilient and thriving communities in the light of Jesus’ work on the cross.
Children heard the gospel
Sponsored children
Senior Citizens Baptized
Families assisted in calamities
Here are updates on the ground where our God-given work is being done. Also here are updated prayer concerns.
Supporting local churches in church planting work is our ministry. Explore the ministries we are involved in together with our local partners
You’ll get monthly prayer requests and updates sent straight to your email inbox.
To learn more, do not hesitate to get in touch.
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