4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422
Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed
Read about Pastor Daniel and Sis. Charmaine, on how they seek to advance the Gospel in a place where people have not heard the true Gospel.
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,
I am Ptr. Daniel Jude L. Pudiquet, I am married to Charmaine C. Pudiquet, and I’ve been pastoring Blessed Truth Baptist Church Sta. Cruz for the past nine years.
By God’s grace we were given an opportunity to serve Him and glorify Him in Santiago Lubao since last year 2022 of March. For a year of ministering in this place, we have observed that this community is multi-denominational, there are Iglesia Ni Cristo, Christian groups, and majority are from the Roman Catholics. Indeed, there are several religions in this place but we have observed that people from all age groups (children-elderly) have no knowledge or little knowledge about who Jesus really is, and this led us to have a burden to reach out for the people in this place with a vision to put up a Bible believing local church as well.
The feeding ministry program started with one boy, there was a boy who was just walking beside the road and Sis Charm said to the boy, “Do you have any friends? Call them and we’ll tell you a story, we’ll play games and we’ll give you some snacks to eat.” On our first meeting we were able to gather 11 children, and by God’s sustaining grace the feeding ministry continued up to the present, with an average of 20-30 children per meeting.
Through the feeding program, the church people we were also been given an opportunity to have an evangelism ministry, tracts distribution and basketball ministry in the area. I remember one lola who told us that her grandchildren were attending the feeding ministry and one of her grandchildren often go home happy telling her lola the stories she has learned from their beloved teacher, and the little girl also show her lola the snacks that she often gets from the feeding ministry.
We have not less than 8 volunteers every time we go to the feeding ministry because our volunteers enjoyed the ministry to the children and the joy of serving Jesus were seen through their vibrant smiles. This ministry is a great blessing to the church because it provided growth for every believer. Through this ministry we were taught and encouraged to always give out time, talent, and treasures for the LORD.
We thank you very much for your partnership and prayers.
Editor’s Note: The testimony has been posted as it was delivered, with minimal editing. This is to preserve the voice and intent of the author of the testimony.