4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Rhodora Añonuevo

Rhodora Añonuevo

KMI Administrative Staff, Worship Leader, astrophile, calligrapher and coke-lover.

Priya’s Pandemic Story

My Family’s Situation It has been a year and counting since the pandemic hit. It has been so unexpected. My family encountered financial hardships, making it difficult to buy daily essentials. Yet with the help of God, He uses so…

Justine’s Pandemic Story

My Family Situation This past year 2020 has been a great challenge for everyone due to the COVID-19 pandemic. My parents and our family were not exempted from it. My father and mother lost their jobs and because of this…

Quaran-Tanim Project for Sponsor Kids

Last year September 2020 – April 2021, we conduct Quaran-Tanim Project for 196 sponsored children in Metro Manila and provinces. We gave vegetable seeds to sponsor children such as spinach, chili, eggplant, pechay and cabbage provided by our Department of…