4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Titus Jr Laxa

Titus Jr Laxa

Christ-follower, community worker, graphic designer, bookworm, and tea-lover.

Prayer Focus for October 2023

This month, Kapatid Ministry, inc (KMI) is celebrating its 20th year Anniversary: Two Decades of His Grace. Pray that we will be able to bless our partner pastors in he ministry.

Shaping Children’s Hearts through Bible Clubs

Sis. Ritchel, wife of Pastor Paolo, writes on how God led them to open up a Bible Club to advance the Gospel among the children in Barangay Lag-on in Camarines Norte. Read about their amazing story!

Prayer Focus for August 2023

Thank you Lord for enabling us to minister to your people for the past months. See how you can pray alongside us.