4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

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For the Sake of His Name

Why does Kapatid Ministry exist? We lay out biblical reasons why we believe God has called Kapatid Ministry to existence.

through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, Romans 1:5

Why does Kapatid Ministry exist? This is a question I have been asking for the past two years for two reasons. First, Kapatid Ministry is in its 20th year since my father and mother, Titus and Beth Laxa began the ministry way back in 2003, ministering to families of Overseas Filipino Workers. Little did we know that the Lord will expand the scope of the ministry to include helping underprivileged youth and children in their education. Little did we also know that we will be partnering with multiple local churches in bringing the Gospel to poverty-afflicted families and their communities. Asking why Kapatid Ministy exists can help remind the original purpose as to why this ministry was started.

Secondly, by God’s providence, I am currently doing my Masters in Visual Arts in University of Malaya in Malaysia. Initially this was to open the door to help minister to Overseas Filipino Workers working in Malaysia. However, the Lord has had other plans through the thesis I am currently working on in fulfillment of my course. I know it does not seem like a course that is relevant or beneficial to the non-profit, community work we are doing in the Philippines. Yet, in my masters I am doing my dissertation on the use of children’s images by non-profits like World Vision and of course, like we do. This research has led me to ask tough questions – questions that we did not try to ask in the beginning. Why help the children? Are we really helping them or creating new dependencies for them away from their parents?

If the answer to the question is that we will be able to end the cycle of poverty – studies have shown that efforts to end poverty tend not to rely solely on developmental programs. One would wonder why for a country that has development programs since the 1960s, poverty remains a rampant problem in the Filipino society. This is not a knock on non-profits and other players who are doing earnest and hardwork in addressing poverty-related issues. We thank God for non-profits, and for the different players, both individual or corporates, who attempt to address issues on poverty and not remain silent.

If my answer to the question is so that we can make a difference to as many as we can, then what does making a difference look like? Is it the success stories that children were able to complete their education? How big was our role in making that possible? For most of the children, yes they are grateful to the sponsors for their constant prayers and support. Yet our interviews with the graduates often highlight the role of their parents as the major reason why they were able to finish their education. We understand our contribution is minimal compared to the parents, nor are we trying to compete with them as to who will be the most helpful in their education.

So what then is the reason why we do what we do? Why Kapatid Ministry exists and continues to partner with churches through its different programs? To Paul we listen to, for his words expressed in Romans 1:5 gives an example of a purpose worth having, a purpose that has its origins from the Divine Creator.

through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the obedience of faith for the sake of his name among all the nations, Romans 1:5

Before stating his purposes for his ministry, Paul identifies himself that he is a servant of Christ Jesus and an apostle set apart for the Gospel (v.1). I believe our purposes for Kapatid Ministry starts with the same foundation: who are we. Yes we are a non-profit, we are called KAPATID, which is an acronym for KAakbay ng mga PAmilyang TInawag ng Diyos (Supporters of families called by God). Yes, we are a Christian organization ministering with churches among poverty-afflicted communities. Yet, our first and foremost identity is – we are servants of Christ Jesus. We don’t do this for our own purposes or to receive accolades and recognition. We do this to serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Yet, our first and foremost identity is – we are servants of Christ Jesus.

But why do we exist? Listen to Paul In verse 5. As Paul expresses the work of God, he describes himself as receiving grace and apostleship. Why? So that this grace and apostleship will bring about the obedience of faith for His name’s sake among all nations.” To bring people to obedience of faith, what is it? The book of Romans makes it clear, it is believing in Christ and living in Him and by Him. This is what we believe our calling is: to proclaim the Gospel to people that will bring them to believe in Christ, live in Him and by Him. As for “among the nations, ” yes, Kapatid Ministry is at present not able to go to all nations. However, just as it is the Holy Spirit who gives power to be witnesses and who allots the place where His power may be made manifest, we believe that the nation he has called us to be in now is where He has called us to bring people to obedience of faith. We do so together with the church. We do it in the nation called the Philippines. We do it among those who are poverty-afflicted. That is our calling. This is why we exist.

This is what we believe our calling is: to proclaim the Gospel to people that will bring them to believe in Christ, live in Him and by Him.

As I think of how God has faithfully sustained Kapatid Ministry for 20 years, I realized that we did not exist for the sake of becoming a large non-profit that can help millions of children and can fund-raise billions. Some organizations are called to do so and we thank God for them and their work. I believe that we are called to be faithful to our calling – to advance the Gospel at every opportunity among the poverty-laden families, and their children. Why? First, because Jesus did it, and we follow Him. Second, it is our calling. Third, the Gospel is God’s power to bring about transformation to people who are poverty afflicted – whether physical, intellectual, social, or spiritual poverty. No, we don’t believe the Gospel is an antidote that brings about immediate visible results. Yet it is still an antidote. It is God’s antidote. It’s not a magic bullet, it is a change in one’s way of thinking, and by consequence one’s way of living. We believe that the Gospel is what individuals and families in poverty-afflicted communities need. As long as the Lord wills for our work to continue, the advancement of the Gospel is the reason why we exist. The advancement of the Gospel – expressed by the proclamation of the Word of God, demonstrated by the sacrificial love of the ministers, (the church and Kapatid Ministry) and fueled by the intercessory prayers of our friends and partners – is what we pray will continue on until the Lord brings Kapatid Ministry to the fulfillment of its course.

The advancement of the Gospel – expressed by the proclamation of the Word of God, demonstrated by the sacrificial love of the ministers, (the church and Kapatid Ministry) and fueled by the intercessory prayers of our friends and partners – is what we pray will continue on until the Lord brings Kapatid Ministry to the fulfillment of its course.

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