4 Acacia St., Silanganan Subd., Llano, Caloocan City, Philippines 1422

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 5PM
Weekend: Closed

Titus Jr Laxa

Titus Jr Laxa

Christ-follower, community worker, graphic designer, bookworm, and tea-lover.

Prayer Focus for July 2023

Blessed greetings to all our Prayer Partners. Indeed God is gracious and He truly answers prayers.

For the Sake of His Name

Why does Kapatid Ministry exist? We lay out biblical reasons why we believe God has called Kapatid Ministry to existence.

Prayer Focus: May 1-15, 2023

Here are our Praises and Thanksgiving to our Almighty God: Our Thanksgiving Our Prayer Concerns Please pray fervently with us on the following: Thank you for always praying with us!

Prayer Request: Opening a Feeding Center in Bicol

Pray for Pastor Paolo Miguel and his wife, they are missionaries planting a church in Daet, Camarines Norte in the Bicol Region. Currently, they are conducting Extension Classes (Bible-lesson classes) among marginalized children in the Daet, Camarines Norte, Bicol. At…

Kapatid Ministry Prayer Focus – May 2022

Dear partners and friends in the ministry, thank you for praying fervently with us. Indeed PRAYERS do wonders especially for those whom He called. We would like to share with you what God has done lately that we are grateful…

Remembering Titus Laxa

One year ago, on March 29, 2021, our founder Bro. Titus Laxa went home to be with the Lord. Unexpected, yet fully according to God’s ordained plan, he has completed his God-given work and has left a lasting impact on…

Our Prayer Focus: March 2022

Dear partners and friends in the ministry, thank you for praying with us always! We would like to share with you what God has done lately that we are grateful for, as you have been praying with us faithfully. May…